Baseball AAA, Majors, JRs, SRs
Regular Season Pitching Rules
The eligibility of a player to pitch in a Little League® Baseball game is governed by a tiered pitch count that is tied to the number of pitches throw in a game. The pitch count determines how many days of rest are required before said player may pitch again in a Little League game.
Max Pitches per Day
LL Age 13-16 = 95 pitches/day
LL Age 11-12 = 85 pitches/day
LL Age 9-10 = 75 pitches/day
LL Age 7-8 = 50 pitches/day
Mandatory Rest Between Pitched Games @ LL Ages 7-14
66+ = 4 days rest
51-65 = 3 days rest
36-50 = 2 days rest
21-35 = 1 day rest
1-20 = 0 day rest
Mandatory Rest Between Pitched Games @ LL Ages 15-16
76+ = 4 days rest
61-75 = 3 days rest
46-60 = 2 days rest
31-45 = 1 day rest
1-30 = 0 day rest
Pitching and Catching in Same Game
If a player pitches 41 or more pitches in a game, they are not eligible to play the catcher position in that game, nor for the remainder of that day (see link above for some exceptions).
If a player catches for more than 3 innings, they are not eligible to play the pitcher position in that game, nor for the remainder of that day (see link above for some exceptions).
Cherry Hill American LL Pitch Count Reporting
2021 Spring
We are working on correcting this and automating as much as possible via the league website tool that already exists to keep the head coach's administrative effort to a minimum. Until we can complete turning this on and communicating instructions to you, please continue to keep track of your team's pitch and catch counts and manage your players accordingly to comply with the rules above to protect the health and safety of our players.